Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Does Your Book Have a Billboard on Amazon?

Authors can leverage ads and Book Detail pages on Amazon to make them work like a “billboard” of sorts. But in order for your Amazon billboards to help sell more books, they must display certain characteristics.

by Rob Eagar

What if I told you that authors can learn a lot about marketing from billboards on the side of the road? For example, whenever you drive down the highway, you see billboards promoting local restaurants and attractions along with national hotel chains, beverage companies, movies, and public service announcements.

If billboards didn’t exist, thousands of people would never know certain products or services were available. Countless businesses rely on billboards to help increase awareness and drive sales. What makes a good billboard an effective marketing tool?

  • Billboards are strategically placed to reach a lot of traffic.
  • Billboards use images and words to grab your attention even driving at 60 mph.
  • Billboards communicate enticing value in 10 seconds or less.
  • Billboards urge you to take action, such as “eat here,” “visit today,” or “get discounts.”

In contrast, I’m sure you’ve seen a lot of ineffective billboards. Big signs with boring pictures, words that are too small to read from your car, or no call to action is displayed. Many billboards are just a waste of space on the side of the road.

As an author, you have a billboard that people see everyday. Your billboard is located on Amazon, which is the largest drive-by audience on the Internet super-highway. Amazon receives millions of visitors every hour and offers two kinds of “billboards” for authors:

  1. Amazon ads for books
  2. Book detail page

Amazon ads for books act like billboards that grab people’s attention as they rapidly scan search results on Amazon’s website or specific product pages. A good ad can convince someone to pull over and check out your book. That brings them to your second billboard, which your Book Detail Page.

Every book on Amazon has a detail page that acts like a big sign advertising all of the highlights about a book, including the cover art, marketing hook, book description, price, customer reviews, etc. This detailed “billboard” can persuade people to stop driving around, read a sample chapter, or click the “Buy Now” button and make a purchase.

However, in order for your Amazon billboards to help sell more books, they must display the same characteristics as a physical billboard next to the highway:

  • You must strategically place your ad in front of the right readers.
  • Your cover art and marketing hook must quickly grab a readers’ attention.
  • Your book description must communicate enticing value in less than 10 seconds.
  • The text for your book ad and description must entice people to take action.

When you create effective billboards on Amazon, you have the ability to steer thousands of readers directly to your books and persuade them to purchase. People are “driving by” your books right now on Amazon. Are you giving them a reason to pull over and make a stop?

After reading this article, you might be thinking:

  • How do I strategically place my book in front of the right readers on Amazon?
  • How do I create a book ad that will grab readers’ attention?
  • How do I write a book description that entices people to purchase in less than 10 seconds?
  • What if I hate the marketing text that my publisher put on my book’s Amazon page – am I stuck with it forever?

Good news. I’ve partnered with Writer’s Digest to answers to all of these questions in a new online video course called, Mastering Amazon for Authors. Watch 11 self-guided teaching videos that explain how to create a billboard for your book on Amazon. As your instructor, I’ll be available to answer your questions using a private forum for students. In addition, you will learn how to:

  • Convert more sales when readers view your book on Amazon
  • Secure more persuasive customer reviews for free
  • Get your books noticed on Amazon’s huge website
  • Use Amazon’s algorithms to get free marketing for your books
  • Build your author email list using Amazon’s massive audience
  • Create advertising that drive readers directly to your books

Currently, Amazon sells nearly 50% of all print books and over 70% of all e-books in America! If you want to reach more readers and sell more books, you must learn how to sell more books on Amazon.

Registration for Mastering Amazon for Authors closes on Thursday, August 9th. If you want to sell more books on Amazon, now is the time to act. Signup before July 19th and save $75 off the regular price of $375. Use the link below for course details and registration:

The post Does Your Book Have a Billboard on Amazon? appeared first on WritersDigest.com.

from Writing Editor Blogs – WritersDigest.com http://www.writersdigest.com/writing-articles/by-writing-goal/marketing-your-work/amazon-billboards-leveraging-amazon-ads-for-books-book-detail-pages-authors

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