Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Tips From Poet’s Market

As most of you already know, I’m the editor of Poet’s Market in addition to all the other hats I wear around here. It’s a hat I wear proudly, and I’m always trying to figure out ways to improve the annual book. That said, the greatest contributions come from other folks, including the hundreds of listings for book publishers, publications, contests, and more. Here are some tips from Poet’s Market.

These tips are a small part of the listings featured in Poet’s Market. The listings include contact information, websites, poetry preferences, submission preferences, average response times, and more.


poets_market_robert_lee_brewerOrder the New Poet’s Market!

The 2017 Poet’s Market, edited by Robert Lee Brewer, includes hundreds of poetry markets, including listings for poetry publications, publishers, contests, and more! With names, contact information, and submission tips, poets can find the right markets for their poetry and achieve more publication success than ever before.

Order your copy today!

In addition to the listings, there are articles on the craft, business, and promotion of poetry–so that poets can learn the ins and outs of writing poetry and seeking publication. Plus, it includes a one-year subscription to the poetry-related information on WritersMarket.com. All in all, it’s the best resource for poets looking to secure publication.

Click to continue.


“Immerse yourself in the literature of the Delta, but provide us with a fresh and original take on its land, its people, its culture. Surprise us. Amuse us. Recognize what makes this region particular as well as universal, and take risks. Help us shape a new Delta literature.” —Arkansas Review: A Journal of Delta Studies

“We value the insides of things, vivisection, urgency, risk, elegance, flamboyance, work that moves us, language that does something new, or does something old—well. We like iteration and reiteration. Ruins and ghosts. Mechanical, moving parts, balloons, and frenzy. We want art and writing that demonstrates interaction; the processes of things; how functions are accomplished; how things become or expire, move or stand. We’ll consider anything.” —DIAGRAM

“Make it new.” —Hawai’i Review

“There is no ‘type’ of work we are looking for, and while we would love for you to read through our previous issues, it is not an indicator of what kind of work we actively seek. Our editors rotate, our tastes evolve, and good work is just good work. We want to feel something when we encounter a piece. We want to be excited, surprised, thoughtful, and interested. We want to have a reaction. We want to share the best voices we find. Send us that one.” —Kansas City Voices

“Study the history of haiku, read books about haiku, learn the aesthetics of haiku and methods of composition. Write about your sense perceptions of the suchness of entities; avoid ego-centered interpretations. Be sure the work you send us conforms to the definitions on our website.” —Modern Haiku

“Be lively, original, not overly literary. Write what you want to write, not what you think the editor would like.” —The New Yorker

“Read widely and deeply. Avoid inundating a magazine with submissions; constant exposure will not increase your chances of getting accepted.” —Verse

“Please familiarize yourself with our mission, catalog, and submissions FAQ before submitting a manuscript.” —Copper Canyon Press

“We are looking for writers who are actively involved in the writing community, writers who are submitting their work to journals, magazines and contests, and who are getting published, building readership, and earning a reputation for their work.” —Press 53

“We pride ourselves on the eclectic nature of our list. We are not tied to any particular style or school of writing, but we do demand that any book we publish be of exceptional merit.” —University of Pittsburgh Press

“The best way to discover all that poetry can be and to expand the limits of your own poetry is to read expansively.” —Brick Road Poetry Book Contest


Robert Lee Brewer is Senior Content Editor of the Writer’s Digest Writing Community, which means he maintains this blog, edits a couple Market Books (Poet’s Market and Writer’s Market), writes a poetry column for Writer’s Digest magazine, leads online education, speaks around the country on publishing and poetry, and a lot of other fun writing-related stuff.

He’s also the author of the poetry collection Solving the World’s Problems.

Follow him on Twitter @RobertLeeBrewer.


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The post Tips From Poet’s Market appeared first on WritersDigest.com.

from Writing Editor Blogs – WritersDigest.com http://www.writersdigest.com/whats-new/tips-poets-market

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