Thursday, December 31, 2015

2015 April PAD Challenge: List of Finalists

Note: This is not a list of the final results. That post is currently incomplete, but it can be found here (updated as results are finalized).

Rather, this is a list of every finalist from the 2015 April PAD Challenge. I do have a complete list of finalists, but since the guest judging is done without names attached to the poems, I can’t list them all on the final results post just yet.

There were 300 finalist poems written by 150 poets. That means there were more than a few poets who had multiple finalist poems. Let’s look at that list first.

Poets Who Were Finalists Five or More Days

Here’s a list of poets who were finalists five or more days (in order of number of days and then alphabetically):

  • 11-De Jackson
  • 10-Jane Shlensky (finalist twice on one day–so 11 total poems); Scott Jacobson
  • 9-Amy Miller
  • 8-James Von Hendy
  • 7-Barton Smock
  • 6-C.B. Wentworth; Joseph Harker; Kendall A. Bell; susanjer
  • 5-C. Lynn Shaffer; Jennifer Peach; Julie Germain; Khara House; Marilyn Cavicchia; Nancy Posey


Poet's Market 2016

Poet’s Market 2016

Publish Your Poetry in 2016!

The 2016 Poet’s Market, edited by Robert Lee Brewer, includes hundreds of poetry markets, including listings for poetry publications, publishers, contests, and more! With names, contact information, and submission tips, poets can find the right markets for their poetry and achieve more publication success than ever before.

Order your copy today!

In addition to the listings, there are articles on the craft, business, and promotion of poetry–so that poets can learn the ins and outs of writing poetry and seeking publication. Plus, it includes a one-year subscription to the poetry-related information on All in all, it’s the best resource for poets looking to secure publication.

Click to continue.


Poets Who Were Finalists More Than Once (But Fewer Than Five Times)

Here’s a list of poets who were finalists 2-4 days (in order of number of days and then alphabetically):

  • 4-Bruce Niedt; Maria Padhila; Shaindel Beers
  • 3-anindeliblemark; Anthony94; Brian Slusher; carolecole66; Donald Illich; Fae Spurrier; Jo Ann Anglin; kattra; Lara Eckener; Linda G Hatton; Marie Elena Good; Michelle Hed; Mike Jewett; William Preston
  • 2-Angie Werren; Beth Browne; Cameron Steele; Diane Laboda; J. Lynn Sheridan; JR Simmang; Kim King; Lelawattee Manoo-Rahming; Margie Fuston; Martina Dansereau; Nancy Susanna Breen; Nurit Israeli; pamelaraw; Sarah Metzler; SFagan12; Shauna Osborn; Tanaka Mhishi; torigw; Walt Wojtanik

It’s a pretty incredible accomplishment to write a finalist poem for even one day. Often, I had to cut poems I really enjoyed to make it down to 10. Many poets who didn’t make the finalist list every single day are poets with multiple collections published who’ve been writing for decades.

So pat yourself on the back if you were a finalist; don’t beat yourself up if you weren’t. The main goal of this challenge is (and always has been) to write new poems and celebrate poetry. If you did that, you’re a winner.

Poets Who Finalists on One Day

The following are poets who were finalists on one day. There are beginners here, but also well-published poets.

A. R. Amore; akramer; Alemonlot; amore tony; Amy Appleton; Amy Cygnan; Amy Glamos; antelope; Ariana Kramer; Ashley Marie Egan; Barb Peters; Barbara E. Young; blacksnark; Brie Huling; C. Cleo Creech; Caritha Marks; carolemt87; Cathy Dee; Cati Porter; Cavicchia; ChandraEADickson; claudia marie clemente; Daniel Ari; drnurit; Elizabeth; Elle Segarra; Emma Tranter; Essie Rose; fayina; G. Smith; gprcrane; Hannah Gosselin; Hibah Shabkhez; Hyork; IrmaH; Janet Rice Carnahan; Jannelee; jarmandoguzman; Jassmin Rodriguez; Jennifer Weber; jessica therese; jonesy1260; Joseph Hesch; JUST_jerusha; Kaulmer; Kay Winter; Kelli Simpson; Kellie B. Moore; Kelly Morse; Kerry Trautman; Kimiko Martinez; Kimmy Sophia; Linda Hofke; Linda Voit; Liz Shine; Lorraine Caramanna; Lyn Sedwick; lynne james fraser; m_deane; Marcia Jaron Morley; Margot Suydam; Maria Bouka; Maria Grace; Marian O’Brien Paul; Mary Ann Scott; mcumber; Megan Mills; Michelle Murrish; Misky Braendeholm; MutherBear; Nancy Young; Nick Butterfield; Pamela Murray Winters; Pedro Poitevin; Penelope Connor; pipersfancy; pomodoro; Raina Masters; RJ Clarken; S. Thomas Summers; Sara Diane Doyle; Sara McNulty; Sara Ramsdell; sdwells; seingraham; Sibella; simplymarian; stephamm; Stephanie Miller; storysmith; Susan Burch; Tatsuro Nakajima; Taylor Graham; toujourskari; uneven steven; Vicky Nall; Vince Gotera; Vivian Wagner

Some of my favorite poets are in this list of one-time finalists. So what does it mean if your name is not on any of these lists? Nothing.

Maybe you had poems in the top 15, 25, 50. I mean, each day had so many poems written by so many talented poets with only a finite number of finalists filtered through one or two subjective readers.

Feel encouraged by accomplishment, but don’t let rejection or non-recognition discourage you. Stay true to your writing and everything else will follow.

For those wondering: Yes, the final results will be updated as they filter in. Yes, I’ve taken too long this year with the whole process. Yes, I feel horrible about it. Yes, I know what went wrong and have given A LOT of thought into how to improve the process next year. Yes, there will be a next year (unless it’s already 2016 in your neck of the woods–then, it’s this year).

Happy New Year!


Robert Lee Brewer is Senior Content Editor of the Writer’s Digest Writing Community and author of Solving the World’s Problems.

Follow him on Twitter @robertleebrewer.


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