Tuesday, November 17, 2015

New Literary Agent Alert: Kara Leigh Miller of Corvisiero Literary

Reminder: New literary agents (with this spotlight featuring Kara Leigh Miller of Corvisiero Literary) are golden opportunities for new writers because each one is a literary agent who is likely building his or her client list.


About Kara: Kara Leigh Miller is a new agent at Corvisiero Literary. Find her on Twitter, and see her official website here. She began her venture into the publishing world as a wet behind the ears author back in 2010. She started as an intern for a small press and worked her way up to Senior Editor within months. From there, she moved on to become the Editorial Direct at Anaiah Press, LLC. Now, as a well versed author and editor, she’s excited to switch sides to become an agent.

(Querying? Read advice on how to find the most target agents to query.)

She is seeking:

— romance for adults or teens or new adult (contemporaries and romantic suspense are her forte, but she’s willing to consider just about anything as long as it’s well written [except things comparable to 50 Shades of Grey], including paranormal and urban fantasy
— mystery (teens and adults)
— thrillers (teens and adults)
— horror (teens and adults)
— inspirational fiction (open to all forms of inspirational fiction, not just those that are focused around the Christian faith, for teens and adults).

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She is not interested in: Picture books, Children’s books, Middle Grade, Comic books / Graphic Novels, Non-fiction, Memoirs, Biographies, Creative non-fiction, Devotionals, Historical fiction, Adult Fantasy or Science Fiction that can be classified as epic. (i.e. Game of Thrones, Lord of the Rings, etc.), Short Story Collections / Anthologies / Poetry, Scripts / Screenplays.

How to submit: E-mail your query letter, 1-2 page synopsis, and the first chapter of your manuscript pasted into the body of the email to Query@Corvisieroagency.com. In the subject line, please include: “Query for Kara – Category/Genre – Book Title” {Ex: Query for Kara – Adult Romance – LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT}. Kara will respond to all queries within 8 to 12 weeks. (Please note: Partials and fulls will generally take longer.) If you have not heard from her by the 3 month mark, please email to check on the status of your submission.

(What if an agent requests an exclusive submission?)


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The post New Literary Agent Alert: Kara Leigh Miller of Corvisiero Literary appeared first on WritersDigest.com.

from WritersDigest.com » Writing Editor Blogs http://www.writersdigest.com/editor-blogs/guide-to-literary-agents/new-literary-agent-alert-kara-leigh-miller-of-corvisiero-literary

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